Salakhov I. Ilshat –  General Director of JSC TANECO

Salakhov Ilshat I. was born in 1974. In 1996 graduated from Kamskiy Polytechnic Institute, Electrical Engineer specialized in automation of technological process and production, in 2005 finished postgraduate study on Industrial Chemistry of Oil and Gas Processing Department of Kazan State Technological University. Cand.Sc (Engineering). In 2016 graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas – the course of Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Oil and Gas Business/ Awarded Master of Business Administrator diploma.

From 1997 to 2000 worked on UP Nizhnekamsk city multi-field hospital ¹ 3 as Software Engineer of Automatic Control System Department. Within 2000 – 2006 was employed on OJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (physicist, II grade physicist of Analytical Dept, Research Laboratory of Analysis Instrumental Methods, Process Engineer of II, I grade, Research Laboratory of Refinery and Pyrolysis, Science and Technology Center). From 2006 to 2007 worked on CJSC Nizhnekamsk Refinery (Lead Process Engineer of Refinery and Aromatics, Chief Process Engineer Department). In 2007 – 2011 held a position of Lead Process Engineer (Refinery and Aromatics) in Chief Process Engineer Department on OJSC TANECO; Deputy Head of Aromatics Production; Head of Production and Technical Department. In July 2011 was appointed to the position of OJSC TANECO Trade Union Chairman. In May 2012 was appointed to Director for Technical Assistant position, in July 2015 – JSC TANECO Deputy General Director on Technical Assistance and Quality. In September 2019 he was promoted to General Director of JSC TANECO.

Salakhov Ilshat I. has been awarded a commendation of RT President and JSC TANECO General Director. He has Recognition Letter from RT Minister of Trade and Industry. He was awarded with the honorary title "Honored Chemist of RT".

Golovin Vadim E. – JSG TANECO Deputy General Director on Engineering and Technical Maintenance

Colovin Vadim E. was born in 1971/ In 1993 he graduated from Kirov Polytechnic Institute, Electrical Engineer in discipline "Electrical Power System and grids".

He began his career in 1991 as an electrical protection engineer in JSC Vostokneftegaselektromontazh. From 1993 to 1994 he served in the Army, upon completion he found a job as a power engineer specialist at Micrometer Plant. Within 1994 - 1996 he worked as a Master of Tram Dpt. Power Utilites at JSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim. From 1996 he worked in Municipal Associated Unitary Enterprise Gorelektrotransport (Foreman, Head of Department, Chief Power Engineer, Chief Engineer). From 2010 to 2015 he took the position of JSC TANECO Lead Power Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Power Engineer (power supply), Chief Power Engineer, Deputy Director on Technical Maintenance. In September 2019 he was appointed Deputy General Director on Engineering and Technical Maintenance of JSC TANECO.

Golovin V.E. has been awarded with Recognitijn Letter from Plenipotentiary of RF President in Volga federal district, with JSC Tatneft Certificate of Appreciation.

Gorina Natalia G. – Head of Legal Support Center, Specialized Service Center, Business Center of PJSC Tatneft

Gorina Natalia G. was born in 1977. In 1999 graduated from Moscow Humanitarian and Economical Institute, Legal Advisor specialized in Jurisprudence. In 2006 graduated frov Kazan State University, as per program for training of management staff for RF national economy enterprisses. In 2013 graduated from Moscow State Legal University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSLA) with Master,s degree award.

Within 1997 – 2006 she worked at Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Company Lawyer, Leading Lawyer of the Departament for Foreign Economic of the Company Legal Division. In 2006 was appointed as Head of Contracts Departament of ZAO Nizhnekamsk Refinery, from 2008 works as OJSC TANECO Ghief Legal Counsel – Contracts Administrator. Since March 2018 – Chief  Legal Advisor of JSC TANECO Specialized Service Center of PJSC Tatneft Business Service Center. From July 2019 assigned as Head of Legal Support Center,Specialized Service Center, Business Service Center of PJSC Tatneft.

Gorina N. has commendation Award of Ministry of Energy and Certificate of Merit from JSC Tatneft.

Zurbashev Alekxey V. – Deputy General Director on Technical Assistance and Quality of JSG TANECO

Zurbashev Alexey V. was born in 1979. In 2002 graduated from Kazan State Technological University,engineer,specialized in "Organic Substances Chemical".

He began his in 2002 as OJSC Nizhnekamsk Refinery process unit operator, and then took the position of Foreman, Head of CDU/VDU - 7. Within 2005 – 2008 he woked as Chief Process Engineer, Chief Engineer in OOO Tatneft-Nizhnekamskneftekhim-Oil. From 2008 to 2010 worked at OJSC TANECO (Deputy Head of Production, Deputy Chief Engineer). Within 2012 – 2014 worked at OJSC TAIF-NK Director of Heavy Residue Deep Conversion Complex. In 2014 was employed at JSC TANECO Deputy Director on Technical Assistance and Quality. In 2015 was assigned as Head of Technical Development Dpt. of JSC TANECO, in September 2019 – Deputy General Director on Technical Assistance and Quality at JSC TANECO. 

Zurbashev A. has been awarded a commendation of RF Ministry of Energy and Certificates of Merit from JSC TANECO, a commendation of Nizhnekamsk Refinery General Director.

Sergey V. Parkhomenko – Deputy General Director on Administrative issues

Sergey V. Parkhomenko was in 1970. In 1989 graduated from Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical Technical School, in 1996 – from Kazan Finance and Economics Institute, Economist specialized in Econjmics and Labor Social Studies. 

Began his career in NPO Nizhnekamskneftekhim. Within 1993 – 1995 worked as Head of Transport operations unit Brick factory of NPO Nizhnekamskneftekhim. From 1998 worked as Heand of agricultural Departament, MUP Departament fo Financial and Inventory Provision. In 2001 was assigned Head of Technical and Household Provision) in Nizhnekamsk Refinere. From 2007 was appointed OJSC TANECO Administrative Director. Witchin 2015 – 2018 worked as Deputy General Director on HR and Administrative issues at JSC TANECO, in March 2018 was appointed as Deputy General Director of Administrative issues.

He has been awarded RT Medal "For Valorous Labour".


Khismatullin Aidar M. – JSC TANECO First Deputy General Director (Operations), Refinery Director

Khismatullin Aidar M. was in 1979. In 2000 graduated from Kazan State Technological University, engineer, specialized in "Plastics and Elastomers Processing Technology". In 2003 graduated from Kazan State Technological University, Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Engineering as a managing economist, specialized in "Economist and Company Management".

He began his career in 1999 as an operator at JSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim Oligomer Plant. Within 2004 - 2005 worked as Head of Departament at Nantneft-NK-Oil, an engineer in OOO Elastokam. From 2005 to 2012 he worked at JSC TAIF-NK, where he worked his way up from Deputy Foreman to Acting Refinery Directory. In 2013 was accepted for employment to JSC TANECO in the position of Ghief Refinery Director. In June 2018 was appointed as Deputy General Director (Operations) – Refinery Director. In September 2019 –  First Deputy General Director (Operations) – Refinery Director.

Khismatullin Aidar M. has been awarded a commendation of JSC Tatneft General Director.