JSC TANECO management is convinced that high quality of human resources and efficient management of personnel as the most valuable and significant part of the company’s productive capacity is one of the key factors for company efficiency and competitive capability.

Company’s stuffing policy is aimed to form a consolidated team of professionals intended to achieve high results. The priority is put to the following:

- personnel recruitment;

- personnel development (training, qualification upgrading, reserve training, personnel evaluation);

- personnel encouragement;

- corporate culture development;

- observing the rights and ensuring social protection of employees in accordance with the requirements of labor and pension legislation;

- ensuring continuity by means of recruiting young employees;

- continuous improvement of working conditions.

Within the frames of recruitment program JSC TANECO has created the data base of candidates which contains about 14000 Cvs. The process of recruitment includes several interviews, one of them is held by the head of department – for the purpose of defining professional competence, the other one by personnel manager – for the purpose of defining personal qualities; and it’s subject to approval of general director of the company.

Considering the unique character of the Project, complexity of technology and equipment, very high requirements are set for the personnel. The main staffing principle is recruitment of the ace of the aces. Among the main recruitment requirements are: specialized education of corresponding level, working experience and professional competence; high average diploma score, workability and responsibility; analytic and creative thinking; proactive approach to life, managerial abilities.

At the moment the company employs more than two thousand people (2743 employees). One of six employees among managers and specialists has two or more diplomas of higher education, 35 % employees among workers have higher professional education. The system of continuous professional education is implemented in the company, it includes personnel preparation and qualification upgrade. 

Contracts for specialists training for the company were signed with leading educational institutions of Tatarstan Republic: Kazan State Technological University, Kazan State Power University, Nizhnekamsk Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications KGTU named after Tupolev A.N., Nizhnekamsk Chemical and Technological Institute KGTU, Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical Process and Industrial Colleges, Professional Lyceum no.44.

More than 50 % of the staff are employees younger than 34. The concept of company’s youth policy is based on the following principles: raise of young employee’s role in industrial and social life of JSC TANECO; upgrade of professional skills, encouragement of young employees creative activity, development and revealing of creative potential of employees; upgrade of their intellectual level, healthy lifestyle promotion.

Everyone can choose the most appropriate activity of youth organizations: delivering reports and suggestion on research and practice conference, participation in intellectual game Brain Ring, sport events or stage performances. The best of them represent JSC TANECO in the events organized in the city, Tatneft and Tatarstan Republic where they become prize winners and laureates.

Apart from working with young employees, great consideration is given to older generation, the administration of the company provides assistance to retired employees and also sponsored labor and the Great Patriotic War veterans.

Staffing policy of the company provides social protection of the workers. Collective labor agreement was developed and implemented to ensure observation of labor and social guarantees.

The company created the conditions that provide freedom in achieving clearly set objectives. The atmosphere of friendship and interest in common success of the business and corporate spirit promote revealing the potential of employees and help them to become excellent specialists. The company encourages initiative and provides opportunities for carrier promotion and personal development in different fields.

All the elements of staffing policy of JSC TANECO are governed by the main aim – recruiting and training the staff devoted to their work, capable to provide efficient and stable work of the company, combining both the interests of the company in general and every single employee’s.


© OJSC TANECO, http://taneco.ru/en/job/